Thursday, April 21, 2011

End Time Messages From The Lord

     The Lord has called me to be a End Time Watchman, and to sound the alarm that the Rapture is about to take place. For the dead in Christ and the living believers are about to be caught up to be with our Lord in the clouds. The Lord has given to me these Visions, showing how close we are to this taking place.. The Church leaders and believers need to prepare the Church for Jesus Christ soon appearing. The Churches need to preach on Heaven, Hell, the Tribulation, and whats takes place during and after the Tribulation. We need to share the message how wonderful it will be when this event takes place, no more Pain, Suffering, Sickness, Death, and no more Tears. We need to witness to the Lost, and to the backslider or those who are lukewarm not putting God first in there lives. We also need to Pray always for our loved ones and others, and being a good example looking for opportunities to Evangelize the Lost. We are commanded by the Lord to be watchful, and know when the rapture is near. (Signs of the times, Mat24:42, Mat.25:13, Luke12:37, Luke17:25-37, Luke 21:10-36).  Victory is at hand for the dead in Christ and for believers alive and watching. When we are united with our Lord what a wonderful day that will be.( 1 Thessalonians 4: 16-17, Rapture or catching away).     Soon Gods Grace, Peace, and Protection will be taken from the Earth, and man will be placed under World Government.There will be rebellion, Disorder, and Judgments that will come as it is written in the Word of God, and I believe it has already begun. During the Great Tribulation there will be Two Witnesses (Rev:11: 1-14) that will witness to the Jews and anyone that will listen in Israel. There will be 144000 sealed witnesses that will also witness to the Jews and anyone that will listen( Rev:7:).  Salvation during this period will almost be certain to cost you your life. It will be required to have the Mark of the Beast in order to buy or sell, and to worship the Antichrist.   If you accept the Mark of the Beast you will not be able to have Salvation and at the Judgment Seat of Christ will be cast into the Lake of  fire.  At the end of the Tribulation, Christ will return and conquer Satan and chain him for a thousand years.   Disease and the weaknesses of man will be destroyed or no more after the end of the Tribulation. Christ will also Rule the Earth during this one thousand year period of time. Satan will be loosed for a short time at the end of the thousand years, defeated and cast into the Lake of fire.  If you Look at the Middle East you can see Chaos that is taking place. There is also animals dying, Famine, crops failing or being destroyed, economies failing or close to it all around the World.   Read Luke 21:7-20 and 2 Timothy 3 : 1-5 you will see that the Lords return is soon.   We need to be watching for the Lords return and witnessing for the Lord until the day he appears .  We are not all called to be Preachers or  Missionaries, but we are called to be witnesses.  Praising his name always .