This site is about Visions and Visions at night that I have experienced either the same or similar to those that Daniel experienced in the Bible. Some of the Visions I have been able to interpret the meanings and some I have not as of yet. This Site is not about me, it is about what the Lord has shown me, and the Rapture that is soon to take place. There needs to be a passion among the Church to Evangelize the lost, and Pastors to prepare the Church with End time Messages of what is coming soon.
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Aug. - Dec.., 2012
Aug. 3, 2012 - I had Vision at night were I saw a room with many of my family members looking in mirrors, as we all do in the morning.. Then I looked out a window on a angle and saw a fawn playing around a shrub. As I looked out the window straight on I saw Jesus looking at me with a smile on his face. This is probably a personal Vision answering a prayer concerning my family and salvation, but also shows me that the Rapture is soon. Witness to your loved ones and others. ***Aug. 4, 2012 - I saw brightness then a line of numbers moving fast, then I saw a little boy holding a card up with the number 4 on it. Through prayer, I believe the number 4 relates to a Quick Vision July 17, 2012 were I saw a Purplish Red number 5 and then a silver number 4. The number 5 represents Grace, Silver represents redemption and the number 4 represents world or creation. In this case I believe world, and our redemption draweth near along with the end of Gods grace soon. Aug. 14, 2012 - Quick Vision of a lightning flash, then people looking at each other, then more brightness and more people . I believe this is representing the Great Tribulation and Rapture. Aug. 15 , 2012 - I had a quick Vision of a Cross, then I saw a arrow with electricity in the shaft and a number #3 in the point of the arrow. Praying for interpretation . Aug. 19, 2012 - I had a Quick Vision of a white Cloud with something coming out from it. Then I saw an Arrow pointing down. Through prayer the Lord has revealed to me this represents the latter rain of the Holy Spirit being poured out for the Harvest of Souls. Be praying for Lost loved ones and all those who are lost, Jesus is coming soon. Aug. 23, 2012 - Vision at night were I was climbing a high place on a hill or ridge of a mountain,then I heard someone explaining the differences of the Rocks. Then in the distance I could see a helocopter, then a man holding onto a rope which was connected to a plateform with a spinning propeller. Praying for interpretation . Aug. 25, 2012 - I had a Vision at Night were I saw brightness then a old man, then a person praying over a person with both hands outstretched. Then I saw a young man surrounded by others. This is representing answered prayers for protection. SEPT.1,2012 - The Lord has shown me Himself with his hands outstretched, himself riding a White Horse, and Hebrew writing . His hands outstretched indicates Rapture, The Lord riding the White Horse is representing Armegedon, and the hebrew writing indicates Prophecy fulfilled. Be letting others know the Rapture is soon and be praying for the Lost. Sep.5,2012 - I had a Vision at Night where I saw myself working on my truck , with parts that I have never seen. I kept hearing the words,(it is time). This is an answer to a prayer I had the night before concerning my understanding of the 70th week of Daniel,which I believe we are already in, and when the Rapture will take place. Sept.6,2012 - I had a Vision at night which I saw a new Automobile design and the ones I saw were all Silver.***(Silver is the color of Redemption). In prayer the Lord has revealed to me this represents redemption . Sept.13, 2012 - I had a early morning Quick Vision of the Planet Earth with a Arrow in it. Then I saw Jesus on a cloud with a Trumpet that was setting beside him. Again this is indicating the Rapture is soon to take place. Pastors need to be giving End Time Messages and stepping up Soul winning. We need to be witnessing to the Lost and watching for the Rapture and our Lord Jesus Christ. Praise God. Sept.16, 2012 - I had a Quick Vision of a Evil person and a Menorah that I could not see the top. This represents the Rapture soon and that Evil will be on earth as it never has been before. Oct. 5 2012 - I had a quick Vision of one of the Twin Towers on fire, then changed to a Mushroom Cloud,and then changed again to a burning Cross laying down. Asking for interpretation in prayer the meaning of the Twin Tower, but Praising the Lord and witnessing to the Lost until the Rapture takes place. Keep watching as I know this does represent the Rapture and the Great Tribulation is soon to take place. Oct.12,2012 - Quick Vision Of Gold Dust over and over , then I saw a White Ghostly figure rising up out of a river of flowing water, (The Holy Spirit ),who had purplish red jewels on his forehead. Then I saw brightness for about 30 seconds (Gods Glory ). Be praying with repentance and for the Lost,and witnessing to the lost. Be watching also for the Lords soon coming. Oct. 26,2012 - I had a quick Vision of a man siting in front of a stage,then I saw P.M. Netanyahu of Israel with a Gold Ring around his Face. Not sure of the interpretation ,but praying for it. The Lord has been showing more personal Visions that I can't share at this time. Without a doubt the Lords return is soon. Preaching repentance and witnessing to the lost, and the need to be preaching the End Time Message, is what the Lord wants at this time. Please pray for the Lord to Lead you in his will, and being a part of this End Time Harvest that is taking place. Nov., 7 2012 - I had a quick vision of Gold Dust and Hebrew writing (Prophecy), myself speaking and someone next to me with their face covered. I believe we should be watching the middle east concerning prophecies. Then I saw Gods Glory (brightness) then a Clock showing 5 minutes to 2 oclock . The Rapture is close and be sure you are doing Gods will, witnessing, preaching the Endtime Message and praying for the lost. Be watching the Mid- east turmoil, Earthquakes and weather around the world. Nov. 9, 2012 - I was given a Quick Vision of an Eye, which shows that God is seeing all the Evil in the world. The next thing that the Lord showed me was a man praying, which the Lord revealed to me the need for repentance. Then I saw the clock number 5 minutes to 2 oclock in red (Red is important ,unity soon) then a Majestic Chair . The Clock indicates Gods judgment and Rapture are soon to take place. The last thing the Lord showed me is the face of a Lion. The Majestic chair and the face of a Lion indicate it is happening very soon. Repent and be doing Gods will, preaching the End Time message, and praying , witnessing to the Lost. Praise the Lord. Nov. 13,2012 - The Lord gave me a quick Vision of Pres. Obama , Mit Romney, someone else, and Obama again. Then I saw a silver weight and measure scale. Their faces turned from stern to madness. I,am not sure at this time the meaning of this Vision, but could be connected to the Election and the economy. Nov. 16, 2012 - I was given a Quick Vision of a Hebrew letter, which looked to be a very close to a backward (h). This is the best way I can explain it. Turns out it is the Hebrew letter for the number three. The interpretation is Divine Completness, and Resurrection. Nov. 19, 2012 - I was given a Vision at night, where I saw people gathered at a picnic table and heard the word judgment. Through prayer I believe it is to mean Rapture and Wrath on the earth. Confirmed in prayer. Be witnessing and preaching the End Time Message. Nov. 22,2012 - I woke up in the dark early on the 22nd to a Red Hune in my room. Then I saw red music bar lines with Hebrew writings and at the end was two music notes, the first was down low then the next up high. (Hebrew writings are concerning prophecy and I believe the notes of the Shoffar to be blown ,or Sounding the Alarm.) This was all confirmed to me in prayer and I believe soon to take place. Be witnessing to the Lost, and praising the Lord. Nov. 26 2012 - Woke up to a Red Hune in the room, like the Lords presents, and was given a quick Vision of a older women (Guardian Angel ) walking, reaching down and grabbing a childs hand. Then I saw another women walking in a different direction . The Lord in prayer revealed to me that children of non believers under the age of accountability, will be taken in the Rapture. Dec.2, 2012 - The Lord gave me a quick Vision of the state of Israel split .This map was silver and silver a color of redemption. Sill praying for full understanding, but could have something to do with behind the scene agreements or soon agreements to be watching for. This again could be the time and appearing of our Lord for his church. Dec. 4, 2012 - I had a quick Vision of a large closed eye , a white dove , then a dark bible with no words that I could see. The Lord gave me the interpretation which is the removal of the Holy Spirit and Rapture is about to take place very soon. Dec. 9,2012 - I had a quick Vision, pictures of a Menorah, a statue of Jesus, a Church, and a gold necklace with a medalion of a Dove. In prayer again the Lord revealed that this is indicating the Rapture is taking place very soon. We need to be watching the middle east, as prophecies are coming to pass daily. Read Isaiah17: Syria and Isaiah 19. concerning Eygpt . Israel is also surrounded by its enemies Luke 21:20. Be witnessing, praying for lost family and the Lost in general. Preachers be preaching the End Time message and reminding the church not to take the Mark of the Beast, Revelation 13:19 whether it be a computor chip or a tatoo in the right hand or the forehead. This is also soon to take place. Praise the Lord and his soon coming. Dec.17, 2012 - The Lord gave me a quick Vision of a Silver Dove , then three Silver Dots . The color Silver is the color of Redemption and the three dots are indicating resurrection and divine completion. The Dove is a representation of the Lord. Again be witnessing to the lost, and preachers need to be preaching the End Time message. Praising the Lord and watching for his soon coming, the Rapture . Dec. 20, 2012- The Lord gave me a quick Vision this morning of people running to and fro, then I saw a Lion appear which some of those running back and forth were going to the Lion. This is a Vision of salvations of some who were running back and forth. The Rapture is happening soon and if you are not saved today it is the day for salvation. Ask the Lord to forgive your sin, and that you repent your sin, ask him to save you from the Judgment that will come, to give you guidance in your life, and to fill you with the Holy Spirit. Be sure to tell someone and go to a good bible based church. Amen. Dec. 25 2012 - The Lord gave me a quick Vision of a Red Sword and a Red Clock. This represents the Rapture and Gods wrath is soon to take place. Be witnessing and praying for the lost. Dec.28, 2012 - The Lord revealed to me in a Quick Vision an Angel raising up a Trumpet. In prayer the interpretation is that the Rapture is about to take place very soon.
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Visions Feb. and July 2012
Feb.4 2012 - I had a quick Vision of Jesus who appeared to be looking down as though he was coming to Earth fast. This happened three (3) times and there was brightness in between each time. Then I saw a bolt of lightning. 3= resurrection, devine completeness, and perfection. *** Jesus is coming soon, be living as though he is coming today. Witness and pray for our loved ones and the world. Feb 5, 2012 I had a Vision at night were I first saw brightness, then a huge rock falling slightly but heading to smash into something, which I believe represents Daniel 2: 34-45. I believe this takes place at the end of the tribulation period. *** I saw a helocopter that was hit by a rocket which happened a few times. I then saw a black Angel the Antichrist (Satan) all representing the Great Tribulation. Then I saw the letters V. J that I believe stands for Victory of Jesus Christ . This shows how close we are to the Rapture ,World War , and the Great Tribulation. ***Be prepared, watch the Middle East, repent and witness to the lost, Jesus is at the door. Feb.10, 2012 I had a quick vision were I saw brightness then a row of eyes with a Lock that was opened in front of the eyes. Then I saw Angels appearing and disappearing like bubbles. I am not sure of the interpretation. Feb.14, 2012 I saw brightness then what looked to be many explosions, like a missle attack . Then I saw brightness again and a large hand that started to write something that I could not see what was being written. Not sure of the meaning but in prayer asking for the interpretation. Feb. 17, 2012 - I had a quick Vision of a group of people with a Gold Ring around their faces (the same shape as their faces) , then I saw an Eagle from Gold Dust and a Dove. I believe the Lord is telling me that the 144000 witnesses has been chosen. Feb. 26, 2012 - I was watching T.V. around 5:00 P.M. , and saw in my right Eye only a Vision. Which this along with being in color shows this Vision was from the Lord. (I saw a map of Israel.) I feel that the Lord is saying that the Ezekiel 38 war is at hand. This also signals the catching away, or Rapture , is also at hand. Israel is surrounded by its enemies , time is short, be witnessing and praying for our Lost Loved Ones and to all that are Lost. Feb.29, 2012 - Had a quick Vision of an Menorah with a gold ring around it. Then I saw Jesus with his hands outstretched looking down to his left side. Then I saw a Cross. Rapture and wedding feast soon. March 4, 2012 - I had a quick Vision of brightness then a group of people. Then I saw a Large #7 (in Gold ) directly in front of the people. Then the #7 disappeared, and the group of people were following two individuals who seemed to be shouting something. March 15, 2012 - I saw a quick Vision of a brightness then a #7. I then saw a Bible with the pages being turned by itself . Not sure the meaning. March 24, 2012 - I saw a quick Vision of #666 , then I saw the # 8 . The next thing I saw was a U.S.A. Flag that was showed hanging on its side. then I saw a large Eagle . In prayer I was guided to interpretation by starting with the Eagle and the Flag then the #8 then the#666 . * The U.S.A. will experience a disaster like never before, the # 8 indicates a new begining for believers, and the #666 indicates the revealing of the AntiChrist soon. This was confirmed in prayer by the Holy Spirit. This will all take place close together soon. April 7 2012 - I saw a Dove(Holy Spirit) and a Lamb (Jesus), then a Dog (Prophecy) . The next thing I saw was a brightness with dark figures, fallen Angels falling. April 9 2012 - I had a quick Vision of brightness then a large face of a Cat with its ears down, (Europe and the Middle East ) . Then I saw Jesus again (prophecy fulfillment taking place). I woke up and had another quick vision of brightness ,and a Dove , and Jesus, then a bright spot light . Still praying for interpretation. April 10, 2012 - I saw a Large wrench on a large bolt being loosened. It looked to be a round plate with many more bolts . Still praying for interpretation. April16,2012 - I saw brightness then a Dog (Prophecy watch ) . Over the weekend there was at least 130 Tornado's (Endtime signs ), confirmed in prayer. April 19 , 2012 - I saw a brightness then Gold Dust then like a white river of water spewing down from Heaven, fast as lightning , then I saw a Dove. (Holy Spirit being poured out). April 28, 2012 - I saw a quick Vision of brightness then a Large ghostly white figure, (Holy Spirit). Then I saw a Rocket going off sideways , like over a city and right after I saw many explosions in the city. As I saw these things taking place in that city, there was a U. K Flag rising up out of the buildings. Praying for interpretation. April 24, 2012 - I held back posting this Dream Vision thinking that it was personal just for me. I felt it should be for all to know that the Holy Spirit is being poured out for a short period of time. In this Vision I was making a path of what looked to be Snow to a house at the far end of a field. The path looked to be smooth and appeared to be slightly downhill. When I reached the house a person met me and I said it is just me. Then the family started leaving. I felt they knew what I was doing and they may have already done what I was about to do. On Sunday the Lord revealed to me the scripture, (John.4:35) . Say not ye, There are yet four months, and then cometh harvest? behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are White already to harvest. We need to be witnessing and praying for our lost loved ones and being ready for the Lords appearing. May 7, 2012 - The Lord gave a Quick Vision of a Roman Soldier and then two men. The first was President Sarkozy of France who appeared on one side of the Roman Soldier. Then he disappeared and another man appeared which I believed is the newly elected Socialist President Francois Hollande. He appeared on the other side of the Roman Soldier. Through prayer the Lord has revealed to me this represents an important part of the Roman Empire and Prophecy. Still trying to understand this Vision and I am praying for interpretation. May18, 2012 - This Vision was given to me on May11, 2012 and I felt the Lord telling me that this Vision was personal. So until I was given the interpretation I did not post it. I was given this quick Vision of a White shadow of a man, then a table cloth being placed on a table. I again saw the White shadow of a man again much closer. Then I saw a Dove with its wings spread out moving.The next thing I saw was a Trumpet standing straight up. My interpretation I believe is that the Lord is represented by the White shadow of a man, the table represents the Wedding Feast, the white shadow of a man closer represents Christ is at the door. The Dove represents the Holy Spirit, who confirms this is from the Lord and also through personal prayer. The wings moving of the Dove represent the Holy Spirit is being poured out in these last days. The Trumpet was directed at me to blow the Trumpet( sound the alarm ) the Rapture is at the door. I do not know Gods time line, but know time is very short. The harvest is ready, witness to your lost loved ones and others, praying always to be worthy to escape Gods wrath which will come with the Great Tribulation. May 22, 2012 - I had a quick Vision of brightness, then a Gold #7(completion) , a backward letter n meaning peace in Hebrew, a Dove (Holy Spirit), and then a Dog (prophecy). I am still praying for conformation of the meaning, but the Lord in prayer confirmed to me that a Vision I had on 9/27/2010 when I saw the Sun in my left eye only, was a sign to be looking for associated with the eclipse of the Sun May 20th 2012. Time is short, pray and witness to your lost loved ones and others. May31, 2012 - I woke up from having a Vision at Night with the strong presence of the Holy Spirit. The Vision was of my dining room chair shaking by itself, then I saw two U.F.O.'s, then the shaking chair again. In prayer the Lord revealed to me that the Rapture is about to take place. The night before I was asking the Lord why my finances and other things were not improving. The Lord in prayer revealed to me that the U.F.O.'s will be used to explain the Rapture and the empty shaking chair represents the soon coming of the Lord (Rapture). As always be witnessing and praying for Lost Loved ones and others. June 3rd 2012 - Dana Airlines plane crash killed 153 passengers and crew. The number was a significant end time sign. It is a sign of promise, Holy Spirit, Divine completion and perfection. Confirmed in prayer. June 5th, 2012- The Venus Transit was also a end time sign to be looking for. Confirmed in prayer. June 11 th 2012 - Quick vision of a (Silver H ) then I saw a person blowing something like dust or maybe just wind. June 12 th 2012 - I had a Vision at Night were I saw a man standing in traffic reaching into a bag and sprinkling glass on the hoods of cars Broken glass can indicate trials and tribulations. I woke up and saw a Quick Vision of a Gold Locomotive which looked like a cartoon. This could indicate Rapture. June 15th 2012 - I had a Quick Vision of brightness and then a Angel coming from within the brightness and dropping out and down. Not sure of the interpretation yet. Be praying for lost Loved ones and witnessing to others how close the Rapture is. Jan. 21,2012 - I had a Vision at Night and saw Storm Clouds and heard thunder, with me running under a covered walkway. Then I woke up and saw brightness and then a Dove 3 times representing Divine Completion.Then I saw Brightness again and saw what looked to be many explosions. Then I saw what looked to be a car moving fast, like looking through a windshield of a cartoon vehical in Gold and Black. Then I heard a bell. I believe the storm clouds represent tribulation, and the Dove 3 times indicates Divine Completion. Many explosions indicate Great Tribulation, and the fast moving car I believe shows time is short. The bell = sound the alarm the Rapture is at the door. Be witnessing to your lost loved ones and others. Just thought you might like to look back at Jan. 28,2012 Quick Vision, as I believe it represents something significant happening in July.***620 million lost power in India on July 31 st. a end time sign that the Rapture is soon. June,24th, 2012 - I had a Quick Vision of a Cross ,then a group of 3 clouds representing the (Trinity) that was surrounded by Gods Glory . The next thing that I saw was a man figure, then I saw was writings on a pad of paper, then I saw a Dog( Prophecy). Not sure of the interpretation but the Rapture is at the door, be witnessing to your lost loved ones and others. June26th, 2012 - I had a Quick Vision of a Cross, and then the faces of 3 individuals in round picture frames, that appeared quickly one right after the other. I do not know these people, but believe this represents last minute witnessing and the Rapture or something significant is about to take place. June27, 2012 - I had a Quick Vision of a White Ghost like figure that appeared quickly in brightness. This represents the Holy Spirit, but not sure why the Lord was showing me this except be witnessing to lost loved ones and others. June29, 2012 - On June11, 2012 I had a Quick Vision of a Silver (H) and a person blowing something. This is coming to pass, confirmed in prayer. The Silver (H) represents the Heat wave we are experiencing. The person blowing something, is the Storms in the Mid-West and East Coast we saw on June29,2012. The Weather Chanel reports that there has been 1800 record breaking temperatures recorded in 39 States since the heat wave began. There was more than 1000 reports of damage from the Storms which are reported to be the worst non Hurricaine storms ever on the East Coast. Biblical color silver represents Redemption. I believe we need to be witnessing to the lost and looking up, for our redemption is near at hand. July 5th 2012 - I saw brightness then I saw an old women with a head covering and then an old man. I then saw both together and him turning a white tablet around toward me, but could see nothing on it. I believe it represents new beginnings. July 7th, 2012 - I saw the Capitol in Washington D.C. with the top of the building gone. then I saw a Ink well and a pen in it. Not sure the meaning, Still Praying. July 9th,2012 - Quick Vision Looked to be an Angel Looking down, then a rectangle shape with bubbles or round shapes small and large,then an U.S.A. flag. July 12th,2012 - Quick Vision of Brightness and a person holding up three fingers and one taken away . I saw this twice. July 13, 2012 - I saw a Quick Vision of an Airplane then I saw brightness. I believe I saw people being taken up in brightness. July 17th, 2012 - I had a Quick Vision of brightness then a Purplish Red No. 5 then I saw Ballplayers in uniform and then a No. 4 . I believe something may take place during the Olympics and could be the Rapture. Be witnessing and praying for the Lost. Time is very short. I am not sure the meanings of the numbers, but it could be days combined. July 19th , 2012 - I had a Quick Vision of brightness then me looking up in brightness. Then I saw a large Cross and a large person wearing white . The next thing I saw was me looking up again. In prayer the Lord has indicated to me this represents the Rapture soon. July 22, 2012 - I had Quick Vision and at first I saw brightness then I saw faces of individuals who could have been my family, then I saw a cross and a Skull . The faces of individuals represent those who are saved and the Cross and the Skull represent the dead in Christ. In prayer the Lord confirmed this Vision represents the Rapture will be very soon. July31,2012 - The Lord has givin to me some personal understanding of my walk with the Lord this week, and some questions I had concerning my family. The most important thing I need to say at this point is we need to be doing the Lords will and witnessing to the lost. We need to be praying for our lost loved ones. Jesus is coming, Praise God.
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