Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Dec. 1, 2014

Dec, 15, 2014 - I was given a Dream Vision of a individual parking cars in a super large parking lot. Then myself asking this man who it seemed that I knew what is going on. As he answered I was looking at a green and white sign on the building that all I saw was what seemed to be rates for the Lot. And while I continued look around he was saying" just waiting for the word." This is representing the Rapture and us just waiting for the word.                                                                                                                                                               Dec. 9, 2014 -  I was given a Dream Vision this morning of me walking toward a park and hearing a Pastor saying to a crowd of people," now that we are all attending Sunday school, be ready ".  In prayer the Lord has revealed to me this represents the Rapture and that we must be ready. Be watching as the Bible tells us to, doing the Lords will witnessing to the lost and be walking as a witness to the world.                                                                                                                                                                                               Dec. 1, 2014 - I was given a Dream Vision of being in a room with a person that I didn't know, and saying is that a rat at your foot, it was.  The next thing I saw was a light brown Cat running across the room and up a unfinished fireplace. The Cat looked back at me and only had one eye. The Rat represents unbelievers and those not watching for the Rapture, and believers who are under an illusion of only partly seeing how close we are of the Rapture taking place. Be watching and witnessing to Lost and family. The Great Tribulation is not going to be a place where anyone wants to be a part of.   Revelation 1:3 says Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Sep. 4, 2014 - Nov., 2014

Nov. 17, 2014 - I was given a Quick Vision of Two Dogs  facing each other howling, this I believe is Prophecies taking place in the Middle East Region. Then I see a small Silver Dove with wings moving. This represents our redemption is soon. The next thing I see is Gods Glory (brightness)and what I saw next was Two White Draped Pillars which represent the Two Witnesses in the book of Revelation. Then I saw Brightness again and a large White Dove.  Be watching and reaching out to the Lost.                                                                                                                                                                                               Nov. 10, 2014  - I woke up to a Quick Vision Of brightness and seeing a shape of a new Moon. Then I saw a Dove and brightness again. The next thing I saw was  two people and brightness again with a person facing these two individuals.  I believe that the two individuals are again representing the Two Witnesses of the book of Revelation. The next thing I saw was an Eagle with its wings outstretched representing the U.S.A. ,Then I saw Gold Dust which is representation of Favor and blessing being sucked away. I believe this is showing favor and blessing being remove because of U.S. Government policies toward God and Treatment of Israel.The next thing I saw was the U.S. Air Force One with the President walking toward the plane. Be praying for lost loved ones as the Catching away is soon.                                                                                                                                                                                              Nov. 9, 2014 -  I was given another quick Vision of brightness then a tree. The next thing I saw was two people walking, Then the Lord with his arms outstretched and then a word in Hebrew I believe as I could not see it clearly. Then I saw the Lord sitting as though he was talking to someone. I believe in prayer the Lord has given to me the interpretation of the two individuals as being the Two Witnesses in the book of Revelation.                                                                                                                                                                                               Nov. 4, 2014 - Woke up to a Quick Vision of brightness and then the number 7,  then again a few times. I believe this is indicating how close we are to the Rapture taking place very soon.                                                                                                                                                                                            Nov.3, 2014  - Woke up to brightness in the early morning which became streaks of Gods Glory.  The next thing I saw was the Lord with his arms outstretched. Then I saw next was a number 7 .  While in morning prayer after getting up , I saw the number 7 in Gold.                                                                                                                                                                                                  Oct.28 , 2014 - I was given a quick vision as I woke up, closed my eyes and then there was brightness. The next thing I saw was what looked to be clouds split in half.  I opened , closed my eyes again, and saw this all again. The split in the middle was silver. (Redemption,  Rapture indicated here) As you look around and see those in the world lost who need salvation, without someone witnessing to them they may not find the saving grace of Christ. Be witnessing till that wonderful day comes.                                                                                                                                                                                               Oct. 13, 2014 - I was given a Quick Vision of brightness then the image of the Holy Spirit and a Map of the Middle East. Then I saw the Holy Spirit again along with the same map again only with a left hand on the map. This is indicating that the Prophecies are taking place and our redemption is near. Be watching and doing the Lords work witnessing to the Lost.                                                                                                                                                                                               Oct. 12, 2014 - I was given a Quick Vision of Gods Glory (Brightness) in the shape of a number 7. The number 7 means completion or the End of Age,  Rapture and Great Tribulation soon.                                                                                                                                                                                               Oct. 3, 2014 - I was given a Quick Vision of the Lord sitting in a chair, (Judgment)with a line of Horns representing World Governments. The next thing I saw was the Earth it self meaning World judgment. Then I was shown a Bear which represents Russia, then a Dog again representing Prophecy. The next thing which I was shown was the numbers 1,3, 5 which I believe means Unity, Divine Completion, and Grace.  Be watching and witnessing as the Rapture is soon.                                                                                                                                                                                             Sept. 30, 2014 - I had a Quick vision of a black Train (Evil) coming out of a Mountain. The next thing I saw was a Dog = (Prophecy),and then a Map of the Middle-East which includes Israel, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Syria, Jordon  all that surround Israel. Look up your redemption is near.                                                                                                                                                                                             Sept. 26, 2014 - I was given a Quick Vision of brightness and a image of an Angel. Then I saw a image of a man I didn't  know and then a Face of a Lion in Red The next part was two individuals, one a prisoner and the other was just talking. I know that the face of the Lion in Red represents Redemption and Judgement, The Judgement is world Judgement and prophecies coming to pass. Be watching for the Rapture as the Rapture well take place very soon.                                                                                                                                                                                               Sep. 4, 2014 - I was given a Quick Vision of people lined up for something. The Lord revealed to me in prayer that this represents those waiting for the Rapture which is soon. Be the witness God wants you to be for family and others.                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Sep. 5 2014 - I was given a Quick Vision of brightness over and over 3 times then what looked to be things flying around and past the brightness.  This goes along with the Quick Vision of Sep. 4 th. , people lined up watching for the Rapture. This Vision is showing the Rapture taking place.                                                                                                                                                                                                     

Friday, August 8, 2014

Aug., 2014

Aug, 24 ,2014 -   I was given a Quick Vision of a child running toward the Lord, then I saw brightness ( Gods Glory) for a long period of time with the presence of the Holy Spirit. The next thing I saw was the Lord with his arms outstretched. The Last thing I saw was the cross. Be running the race of Gods will in your life, remembering the Lords open arms and his saving Grace of the Cross. The Rapture is so close, be watching.                                                                                                                                                                                              Aug. 20, 2014 - I was given a Quick Vision of a Silver letter V, then I saw a burst of Gods Glory I believe from the chest of the Lord .  The next thing I saw was a Silver # 7 which is saying redemption and completion . I was next shown an hour glass with almost no sand left to fall. This is representing Rapture is very soon. Be watching and witnessing to the Lost.                                                                                                                                                                                              Aug, 8, 2014 - I was given a Quick Vision during prayer of a Lion which  I believe represents England. The next thing I saw was a weight scale which represents Financial systems, then brightness ( Gods glory ) with Hebrew writings beneath it. I do not know the meaning of the Hebrew writings but believe it has to do with Prophecy. The last thing that was shown to me is a beast which I believe was the Beast with ten horns representing the Roman Empire. I am praying for more understanding of this Vision, but I know we are very close to the catching away or Rapture of the church. Be witnessing to the Lost and being a example to others while we wait for this Glorious moment. Praise the Lord !

Monday, April 7, 2014

April 4, 2014 - July 2014

July 23, 2014 -  I was given a Quick Vision of  brightness =(Gods Glory), a Dog =(Prophecy), then an Angel with  a Trumpet ready to be blown.  The Lord is encouraging us to watch for his soon coming, wanting us to witness to the Lost and being the example Christ wants us to be. The trumpet will soon sound. Praise the Lord and his soon coming,                                                                                                                                                                                               July 13, 2014 - Was given a Quick Vision of brightness then a letter J. I next was shown a Cross then a red rectangle. This represents Jesus and what he did on the Cross for our salvation, redemption, and soon Rapture. Be watching !                                                                                                                                                                                              June 28, 2014  - I had a quick Vision of a squinting eyes in Gold and thoughts of a previous Quick Vision of a arrow with a silver tip. Then I saw a horse facing me, a dog, and a child. This Vision is indicating that we should be walking in the Holy spirit guidance in the word of God, watching for the catching away. We should be watching prophecy ,witnessing to the lost, and doing this in child like faith. Praising the Lord and his soon coming.                                                                                                                                                                                               June 20, 2014 -  I was given a Quick Vision  of brightness and a group of people, then brightness and the group of people again. In prayer I believe that the Lord is indicating that this represents the soon catching away of the Church (Rapture), and  those who are Watching and living for the Lord witnessing to the lost. Keep witnessing to the lost and the End Time Message. Praise the Lord and his soon coming.                                                                                                                                                                                             June 8 2014 -  I was given a Quick Vision  of the words, Lord, God, then a picture of the cross, then the words now and forever. the next thing I saw was a person setting.  This I believe means to stay focused on his soon return and watching. Praise the Lord.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  May 20, 2014 -  I was given a quick Vision of brightness (Gods Glory) then a Dove.  The next thing I was shown was another Dove with wings moving. Then I was shown an arrow sideways, with a silver tip and then Gold Dust. This is showing us that the Holy Spirit is still moving ***and will guide us in our watching prophecy as we should be witnessing to the Lost till the Rapture takes place.                                                                                                                                                                                              May 13, 2014 - The Lord has been giving me many personal Visions that confirm that I am on track with my understanding of how close we are to the Rapture  and sharing the Visions and dreams with others. We need to stay focused on the Lord and being the witness we need to be.  Praising the Lord and his soon return .                                                                                                                                                                                              May 1, 2014 - I saw a short Quick Vision of the number 11, brightness,(Gods glory) then the Lord. In prayer this indicates world judgment.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   April 4, 2014 -  I saw a Quick Vision of a Loaf of bread in mid- air coming out of its wrapper and was almost out. Then I saw Gold Dust all around everything in the room. I am not fully sure of the interpretation, but I do believe it is showing how close it is to the Rapture. Still Praying for full interpretation.                                                                                                                                                                                             April 16 , 2014 -  I have been given many personal Visions since I last posted. Although I can't reveal them, I felt the need to encourage those looking forward to the Rapture to be patient and doing the Lords work till it takes place. There is signs in the skies and in the middle East.  Keep looking up your redemption is near!                                                                                                                                                                                                        April 17, 2014 -  I was given a quick Vision of brightness, a Death Angel twice, then I saw a person coming up out of a grave in white clothes.  The next thing I saw was Gold Dust . No doubt this is representing the soon Rapture.                                                                                                                                                                                                  April 25, 2014 -  I was given a quick Vision of brightness, Gold Dust, and then a cross which looked to have power coming from it. I believe that the Cross represents the Rapture of the church. I then saw brightness (Gods Glory) and a Dove. This was repeated again. In prayer this represents the catching away is coming and soon. Keep doing the work of the Lord and watching.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

March 3, 2014

March 3, 2014 - I was given a quick Vision of brightness and a Lamp. Then a closed Gate, Gold Dust along with brightness and the Glory of the Lord. After this I fell asleep or in deep thought I again saw a dream Vision of music lines with no notes on it.( The last time I saw the music lines, notes were falling off representing the warning alarm of the Rapture) Then I saw what looked to be a parade of people but with no noise and a Airplane above with no door on it. I could see a person wearing all white.  In prayer the Lord revealed to me this is representing the Rapture. Are you ready?                                                                                                                                                                                                    March 11, 2014 -  Woke up and given a quick Vision of Gold Dust And brightness. Then I saw a individual carrying a movie screen. In prayer this represents to be watching, our redemption is near. Praise the Lord.                                                                                                                                                                                                       March 14, 2014 -  I was given a Vision of brightness and Gold Dust, then a silver Wedding Cake and the number 7. Rapture is so close, Praising the Lord, Amen .                                                                                                                                                                                                                March 17,2014 -  I had a dream Vision of being on a large swing, which seemed to be near an Airport. Then seeing a plane going up that seemed to been made of a cloud. Woke up then a quick Vision of brightness and Gold Dust, then Jesus!      Again keep looking up your redemption draweth nigh.                                                                                                                                                                                                   March 26 , 2014 - Woke up to a Vision of brightness, then Gold Dust and the number 10. I saw Gold Dust again, and the number10 again. This represents law and responsibility .Rapture soon, and devine completion. 

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Feb. 3, 2014

Feb. 3, 2014 -  Was given a Quick Vision of what was shown to me before and confirmed in prayer, the Seal of the Lord. It looks to be like a stone with three straight upright slashes carved in it. Could say 111 .  Then I was shown a view of something which was not important, like looking through a wax paper with a small hole in the middle which was clear. In prayer the Lord revealed to me this represents to stay focused for we are in the very last days and he is soon to appear. The Rapture is soon to take place. Praise the Lord and be witnessing to family and others.                                                                                                                                                                                               Feb. 14,   2014 - I had a Quick Vision of a Pastor friend who is a Evangelist who is one that reaches out to those in nursing homes, shelters or any place he can witness with a track. He is doing Gods work. I saw a word in Gold Dust hisong. Then I saw a cross and a cloud that I know represents the Lords presence. Again I saw the word hisong. Then when I prayed about this the Lord revealed to me that the word hisong is the fire he has for the Lord. We need to be witnessing and praying for our lost family members and witnessing to others. The Lord is coming and we do not know when, but is very soon.                                                                                                                                                                                               Feb. 16,2014 - I was given a quick Vision of an American flag, then the face of the Lord, then the face of a Lion.  The next thing I saw was the front of a train, then the American flag again. As the Vision continued I saw a T.V. with a line going through it . then the line went from horizontal to vertical, with the cloud of the Lords glory and a person I did not know. I also saw a small plane. Still praying for full interpretation of this Vision, but do believe it is about judgment on the U. S. A.                                                                                                                                                                                                    Feb. 19, 2014 - I was given a short Quick Vision of 111 7 then a Lion standing on its rear legs.  This represents I believe completion, the lord is coming soon are you ready?