Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Dec. 15, 2015

Dec. 15, 2015 -  Woke up to a Quick Vision of brightness for a long period of time. (Gods Glory) . Then I saw the face of a man and then the number five. 5 = grace. ( Glory , Man , and Grace ).  I fell back to sleep for a short time as I wondered about what the Lord had showed me.  I woke back up to another Quick Vision of brightness and then a Cross with brightness all around it. This Cross we know represents the gift of grace,  salvation. The next thing I see is another cross upside down with a gift ribbon around it meaning the end of this period of grace soon.   The first Vision shows the time period of Grace, salvation through the shed blood of our savior Jesus Christ, The second Vision shows the Cross of Gods Glory where Christ died for our sins, and the upside down cross represents the end of grace is soon.(Rapture). Whether or not you believe the Rapture is about to take place or not, we all do not know what the next minute will bring, we could take our last breath at any moment. Jesus died on the cross that no one who will ask him into there heart should parish. the Bible says when you do you are born again spiritually. Are you ready to meet the Lord? All you need to do is ask Jesus to be your Lord and Savior, repent and turn from sin, and you shall be saved.  If you have said this prayer find a good Bible believing Church and read the Bible daily and pray to your heavenly Father in the name of Jesus. If you are a Pastor be preaching the End time Message as this is your responsibility to those in your Church.

Friday, November 13, 2015

Nov. 13, 2015

Nov. 13, 2015 -  I was given a Dream Vision of being in a white building  looking up like through a glass roof. I saw storm clouds rolling in from the East, then I looked to the west and saw a bright setting Sun with a crescent Moon in front of it. The Sun was bright orange and the Moon yellow. I then began to explain what I had seen to someone and looked to the East again and all I saw was storm clouds where the Sun and Moon was so brilliant in the western sky. This dream is telling us that we are in the last hour before the Lord Jesus comes for the Church and the tribulation begins. Are you ready? Are you doing the Lords will in your life witnessing to others? Pastors are you preaching the End Time Message?  My prayer is that you are ! Praise the Lord he is coming soon.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Sept. 30, 2015

Sept. 30, 2015 -  First I would like to say that the Lord has given to me Visions and dreams since my last post, but some were personal and the others I just can not explain at this time. I also felt it important to explain my beliefs on the first four Seals of the book of Revelation as some would wonder about my interpretation of my posting of Aug. 24, 2015.  Not only the first four but all  the Seals will be opened before the Tribulation begins. In Revelation chapter five verse 1, John writes that the book in the right hand of God is written on the inside and back side sealed with seven Seals. Verse 5 we see it is the Lion of the tribe of Juda (Christ Jesus) that is worthy to open the Seals. As each Seal is opened we see what takes place and the Tribulation starts with the Trumpet Judgments in Chapter 8 after the book (scroll) is opened.  The first 4 Seals were opened I believe around Pentecost and they have been increasing in intensity and how often they appear (Beginning of sorrows). The 5th  Seal taking place just before the 6th Seal  which is the time sealing the 144000 verse 13 and the Rapture or catching away, with the Rapture taking place in verse 14). This explains chapter 7 the 144000 being sealed just before the Rapture of the church by the stars (Angels) from heaven verse 13 and special attention to the word (we) in Revelation 7:3 . Revelation 7: 9-17 is the Raptured saints knowing that those who came out of the great tribulation  are those who were not part of the great tribulation. Yes I know most will say that the Rapture takes place in Rev. chapter 4: 1, but I encourage you to look at all the scriptures concerning the Rapture taking place with the dead in Christ rising first and those alive meeting them in the air and also know that in the book of Revelation that earthquakes represent important things taking place. In verse 4:1 John simply is shown what is to come!  Also notice that there is two earthquakes associated with the sixth Seal at the beginning and after the heaven is rolled together (Rapture).   I believe that every mountain and island being moved out of their places  ( Earthquake) is associated with the seventh Seal.  I have read the book of revelation hundreds of times and written it word for word and studied it along with many hours of prayer. No matter the differences in interpretations of the Rapture, I know the hour is close and we must be witnessing to the lost and to those who are scoffers and to those who just don't realize how close his coming is.  Praise the Lord, believers agree the victory we all have in Jesus Christ.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Aug. 24, 2015

Aug. 24, 2015 - Woke up to brightness and the number 4 appeared. In prayer this represents the 4 beast in the book of Revelation, the 4 Horseman, and we are at the fullness of appointed time. I believe we need to be ready for the Rapture taking place, and witnessing to the lost and our loved ones. Pastors need to be preaching the end time message preparing the church as they will be held accountable.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

July 5, 2015

July 5, 2015 -  I was given a Quick Vision of a Lion which represents the Lord, a Horse squatting, representing being prepared for the Rapture and witnessing, and a Dog. The Dog represents prophecies prior to the Rapture racing to the climax or Christ coming for the Church. Pastors be doing and preaching the End Time message as Revelation 1: 3 states blessed is he that readeth and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

June 1- 27, 2015

June 25, 2015 - I was given another Quick Vision of brightness then a dog representing prophecies coming to pass,  The next thing I saw was the Dog turning into a Lion which seemed to be looking for something. I believe this is representing prophecies coming to pass and all the scriptures that tell us to be watching for the Lords appearing, ( Rapture or catching away.) Be the witnesses that we need to be in these last days.                                                                                                                                                             June 10, 2015 - Quick Vision of brightness Then the Lion of Judah, then a closed eye. Still working on the interpretation of this Vision but know time is short.                                                                                                                                                             June 8 2015, - Dream Vision of being in a space ship and ridding it of things not needed. Then when I woke up a Quick Vision  of a space ship with dots all over it . This represents those who will be Raptured and being prepared for the soon catching away.                                                                                                                                                             June 5, 2015 - Quick Vision of brightness then the image of the Lord with his arms outstretched. The Lord is at the door. Again be witnessing, watching and Pastors preaching the end time messages Christ is about to appear.                                                                                                                                                                   June 4, 2015 - Quick Vision of brightness then the image of the Lord then what looked like dots moving in a upward direction. No question this is showing the Rapture taking place.                                                                                                                                                             June 3, 2015 - June 3, 2015 - I had a Quick Vision of a Menorah and again keep your eyes on Israel and prophecies coming to pass.                                                                                                                                                                June 2, 2015 - Was given a Quick Vision of Eagle wings, brightness and then Eagle wings again. The next thing I saw was a Dove with wings moving.  I believe this has something to do with Israel and prophecies coming to pass.                                                                                                                                                             June 1, 2015 - During the early morning I was given a Quick Vision of Electric sign with the words ( Prepare Now) I saw this twice. I went back to sleep and when I woke up I saw another Quick Vision of people preparing for a wedding. Be living for the Lord witnessing and watching as the Rapture is near at hand.                                                                                                                                    

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

May 5,- May 22, 2015

May 5, 2015 - I was given a Quick Vision of brightness ( Gods Glory ) then the face of an Angel which is a confirmation for understanding how close it is to the Lords coming for the Church. Then I saw brightness again with the appearance of a clock that looked as though the numbers had been scraped off and no hands on the clock. The next thing I saw was a hand appear. The message is, Time is at hand! Are you ready, will the Lord find you doing his will when he appears in the clouds? Are you being a witness to family and others?  I pray Pastors are giving the end time sermons from the pulpits for the alarm has been sounded!      Praise the Lord!                                                                                                                                                                                          May 22, 2014 - I was given 2 quick visions of brightness  then the number 7 twice, this is the  first one, then Hebrew writings and a number 7 the second.  This is showing Prophecies being fulfilled and Rapture very soon . Then I was given a Dream Vision of me waiting on other people and looking into a mirror and saying ( looks like I have a new hairstyle!). Time is short as our bodies will be changed in a blink of an eye when the Rapture takes place.                                                                                                                                                                    

Monday, May 4, 2015

April , 2015

April 2015 - I was given a Quick Vision of what appeared to be a medallion of an hour glass, indicating time before the rapture is up or very close to it. Then I saw what looked to be a Scroll rolled up and there was no seals upon the Scroll indicating the Scroll is at the point of being opened,*** once the 6th and 7th Seal is opened.  Be doing the Lords work witnessing to the Lost and being the living witnesses we need to be for the Lord.                                                                                                                                                                                April 10, 2015 - Woke up to a Quick Vision of brightness then a face of an Angel and another face that I believe is the face of Jesus. The next thing I saw was a large Chair and a large multitude of people standing before the Throne of God and unto the Lamb. This is representing the dead in Christ and those who are caught up ( Raptured ) and in Heaven. Be witnessing to your Lost Loved ones and others, asking the Lord to remove the stumbling blocks which have been preventing the Lost from coming to him as Lord and Savior. Ask also that those who are in a backslidden state to repent and be a witness for the lord. The Lord is coming quickly and our prayers that are in Gods will are heard. Jesus came into this world so all could come to know him as their Lord.  Praise the Lord.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Feb. 19, 2015 - March

March 19, 2015 - I woke up to a Red Hune ( brightness ) in the room, then I heard the words three times, Coming Coming, Coming , then thunder three times as though off in the distance. be focused on the Lord and his coming.                                                                                                                                                           March 18, 2015 -  I was given a Dream Vision of two Pillars of smoke ascending to the sky  surrounded by Gods glory, and then saying to someone who was standing beside me, look the moon to the west and the Pillars of smoke to the south. Then I saw a person looking in mail boxes and somehow I knew he was looking for those who had been Raptured.                                                                                                                                                          March 9 , 2015 - Was given a Quick Vision of brightness and a Golden map of Israel. Be watching Israel and the middle east as prophecies are coming to pass as the Birth pains intensify, and Jesus is coming for the church soon.                                                                                                                                                      March 8, 2015 -  Woke up  to a Quick Vision of the Four Seals (Horses) of the book of Revelation which were running. This is another conformation that the Seals have been opened. Keep looking up.                                                                                                                                                                              Feb. 19,2015 -  As I was sitting on the sofa in the afternoon relaxing, the Lord gave me a Quick Vision of a strange looking being. I knew that it was heavenly because I could see the glory of God behind it. This is one of the Beast before the throne in Heaven. The Lord revealed to me this is concerning The Pale Horse in the book of Revelation and at the same time I felt the presence of the Holy Spirit. I know that something was taking place in Heaven.                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Feb. 23, 2015- I had been praying for a conformation of the Vision I was given on Feb.19, 2015 and early this morning was given this Quick Vision of a Dove with its wings moving. (representing the Holy Spirit). Then I saw two men one in white kneeling and the other in black directly behind him. Then I saw an Angel directly behind the two men and a Dog appear in front of all them. The Dog is representing prophecy and this is all concerning the Middle East and the Pale Horse of the book of Revelation, I believe that not only the first four Seals have been open but will increase in intensity, as world events will open the door for the Antichrist, World order, and World Religion. Many will not agree with me but what is actually important are you fulfilling your calling. This includes your walk with the Lord, reading your Bible, praying and witnessing to the lost. It is not who is Pre-Trib , Mid- Trib , or Post-Trib. Be watching the Middle East as you will see prophecies coming to pass. Jesus Is soon to appear for the Church.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Jan. 2, - Feb, 2015

Feb. 10, 2015 - I was given a quick Vision  of a Large White Church and the name Jesus in front of it , actually across it. In prayer the Lord revealed to me that this represents the Rapture of the church and the door is open or about to be opened. He is soon coming through this open door very soon, are you ready? are you witnessing and doing that which you are called? Come Lord Jesus !                                                                                                                                                            Made a correction in remembering the old,  Posted Jan. 30, 2015. - Jan. 18, 2015 - I was given a dream Vision of a baseball that was having the cover removed, and was  having a new cover  put on. While the new cover was being put on I said that we  need to keep the old one.  I do not know if this is the full interpretation as of yet but know it represents a new season, the Rapture, remembering the old represents those that died for their testimony of Jesus Christ, ***(which will have taken place before the Great Tribulation.)*** I looked back at all the Visions and dreams the Lord has given me and I see the warnings to be ready for his coming and the Rapture of the Church. I also see the encouragement to be witnessing until he appears that wonderful day.  Be witnessing to the lost and Praise the Lord.                                                                                                                                                                Jan. 10, 2015 -  I had a Dream Vision of being across the street from a high school at a spot where there was a church that was no longer there. I looked toward the school and saw a tornado behind the school between  two tall buildings . Then I looked back at where the church once stood, and saying there is not any time left to warn them. I believe this is all about the rapture of the Church and the Great Tribulation is close. Can you say that you are ready?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Jan. 2, 2015 -  The Lord gave me a Quick Vision of the #7 in red , then I saw the number #5 twice. The next thing was brightness Gods glory,  and as I opened my eyes I looked at the clock and it was 5:55.  I believe that the Lord is saying that the Rapture is about to take place, and grace is about to end. We are in the last days and we need to be witnessing to the Lost.